William Overton Pearson,
the son of William (a farmer and later an
upholsterer) and Elizabeth (née Overton) Pearson,
was born in Wybunbury, Cheshire, in 1824. He and his
wife Hannah Rogers (b. Horton,
Staffordshire), whom he married on 4 February 1849
at Biddulph in Staffordshire, became the parents of
four daughters—Emma, Mary Ann, Sarah and a girl who
died very young.
The English census of 1851 records the Pearson
household in Biddulph as follows: William (27,
engine worker, b. Henterson, Cheshire), Hannah (33
b. Horton, Staffordshire), Emma (1), Mary A (1
month), and Elizabeth Dakin (12, visitor, farmer’s
daughter). Ten years later, on 7 April 1861, the
decennial census gives the family details as
follows: William (37, engine tender, b. Wybunbury,
Cheshire), Hannah (42), Emma (11), Mary Ann (10) and
Sarah (7). The family residence was in Victoria
Street, Tunstall, Staffordshire (‘Beer House Gray
Hound Inn’). There are not infrequently
discrepancies in such records.

After Hannah’s death from phthisis on 20 September
1861 at the age of 43, William (by then an
innkeeper) was faced with the task of raising three
young girls. He remarried on 3 October 1861 in
Christ Church (Anglican), Tunstall, this time to the
widowed Elizabeth (née Wallace) Lowe.
Elizabeth, the daughter of Samuel Wallace (a
modeller) had two children from her previous
marriage to William Lowe (a cabinet maker)—Catherine
and Fanny—but it would appear that there were no
children of this new union. According to shipping
records, William Pearson (then aged 39) left
Liverpool on the Black Ball Line’s 869-ton (or
862-ton) David McIvor (Captain Samuel Manley)
on 19 February 1863. One of 414 emigrants bound for
Australia, he was accompanied on the voyage by
Elizabeth (39; his second wife), Emma (13), Mary Ann
(11) and Sarah (9). Also on board were Elizabeth’s
two daughters, Catherine (8) and Fanny (7) Lowe. The
passengers saw the Moreton Bay lighthouse at noon on
2 July 1863; and, after the ship dropped anchor in
Hervey’s Bay some days later, they proceeded to
Maryborough on 9 July. On a date yet to be
determined by the researcher the Pearson family
moved to Brisbane and settled in Cooper’s Plains
where William became a farmer and the first licensee
of the Horseshoe Hotel, popularly known as Pearson’s
Hotel (1874-84). He built this 10-roomed wooden
structure on a 160-acre selection (portion 386)
where he had lived since 1870.
Elizabeth Pearson died on 19 March 1866 and,
according to her death certificate, was laid to rest
in ‘Grenier’s Cemetery, Cooper’s Plains’ on 26
March. There was neither an undertaker nor a
minister of religion present at the burial which was
witnessed by Francis Leahy.
On 21 May 1868 William married for a third time, his
new wife being Mary Carty, the daughter of
Patrick (a mason) and Elizabeth (née Goran) Carty,
who hailed from County Wexford, Ireland. The wedding
took place in St Mary’s Church of England, Kangaroo
Point, in the presence of David Green and Joseph ??
(witnesses) and was presided over by the Reverend
James Robert Moffatt. At that time William (44) was
a farmer at Cooper’s Plains and Mary (32) was a
servant at Kangaroo Point. Their o
nly child, also named William but known as Willie,
succumbed to croup, a common childhood illness,
shortly before his fifth birthday and was buried in
God’s Acre (see below).
William Overton Pearson died from heart disease on
12 September 1884 at the age of 60 years and was
buried in the Cooper’s Plains Cemetery on the
following day. His demise was certified in writing
by John Barter (himself buried in God’s Acre) who
was then a tenant of the Pearsons. The Reverend
James Samuel Hassall of the Church of England
conducted the service at the graveside in the
presence of official witnesses John Tudman (the
son-in-law of the deceased) and Joseph Thompson.
In his will, dated 26 August 1884 and witnessed by
John Barter and Thomas Gittins, William Pearson left
his ‘real and personal estate share and share alike’
to his wife and his three daughters, naming Mary
Pearson and John Tudman, as his executors. Ernest
Winter acted as proctor. Mary took over the running
of the hotel (1884-85) until the licence was
transferred to James Rogers (1885-86) and later to
James Ruddy (1886).
Unfortunately, the writer has not succeeded in
determining the subsequent history of Mary Pearson. |
Mary Ann Pearson
married Peel Wright Jr (a farmer), the son of
Peel and Mary Anne (née Chapman) Wright, on 16 June
1873. The wedding, which took place in the residence
of the Reverend Samuel Savage, South Brisbane,
according to rites of the Congregational Church, was
witnessed by William and Sarah Pearson. Mary Ann
Wright, who was born in Tunstall, Staffordshire, on
26 March 1851, passed away at her residence in
Goomeri, about 75 km west of Gympie, on 5 August
1923 aged 72 years.
Sarah Pearson
married John Thomas Payne (b. Bedfordshire
1859), the son of Thomas and Eliza (née Thompson)
Payne, on 31 October 1883. They lived in Bowen where
John worked as a mail coach driver and packhorse
mailman to the Bowen River Hotel via the Normanby
gold fields before securing the license of the
Central and Grandview Hotels. He died on 12 February
1938 aged 78 having outlived Sarah who passed away
aged 72 on 5 February 1926. Both are buried in Bowen
as is their daughter Muriel Maud Payne (d. 8 January
1920 aged 32).
Catherine Lowe
married a widower, James William Ayscough,
the son of Francis and Jane (née Harper) Ayscough,
in the residence of Peel
Wright, Lily
Vale, Upper Logan, according to the rites of the
Wesleyan Church, on 19 July 1876. Catherine died on
1 February 1922 and was buried in the Toowong
Cemetery (5 38 18) in a grave that had already
received the remains of her daughter Fanny Lowe
Ayscough (bur. 18 April 1906).
William Pearson,
the only son of William Overton and Mary (née Carty)
Pearson was born on 8 October 1869 and his birth was
announced without delay in the Brisbane Courier.
After Willie’s untimely demise on 6 September 1874,
his remains were interred, as his death certificate
indicates, in ‘Grenier’s Burial Ground, Cooper’s
Plains’ on the following day. The names of the
minister of religion and witnesses to the burial are
given as: WG Mitchison?, Martin Freney and George